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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Is Gynecomastia Common ?

Yes,Gynecomastia Is Common Problem.
Every 3 out of 5 suffers from gynecomastia.Many men suffer from Gynecomastia, known as male breast enlargement.Many men try to hide their "man boobs" by wearing large, thick shirts. They also avoid being bare chested and will often avoid activities that involve taking their shirt off. This affects about 40 to 60 percent of men. Certain drugs, as well as some medical problems, can cause a male to develop breasts. It can also be caused from excess glandular tissue or fat. Sometimes both of these play a roll as to why men develop breasts.

Most men do not realize that there is a procedure that can get rid them of there embarrassing "man boobs." A breast reduction is performed to take care of the problem. When a surgeon performs this procedure, they will remove fat and possibly glandular tissue from the breasts. To remove the fat around the breast area, the surgeon will more than likely use liposuction. Liposuction sucks fat out using a hollow tube. It is inserted through a tiny hole and leaves hardly any scarring. If glandular tissue is to be removed, it will have to be cut out. The surgeon will cut a small incision near the areola and remove the tissue. Sometimes both of these will occur during the surgery. In extreme cases excess skin will have to be removed. The end result is a chest that is flatter, firmer, and contoured.

This surgery to correct gynecomastia can be performed on all men of any ages. Candidates have to be healthy and emotionally stable. They also have to have firm, elastic skin. This will allow the skin to reshape to the body's new contour. Men who are obese are often discouraged from having this procedure. They are encouraged to fix this problem by weight loss as this can also contribute to gynecomastia. Other men who would not make good candidates for this procedure are men who drink often or smoke marijuana. Both of these things have also been known to contribute to gynecomastia. Men who do both of these will be encouraged to stop. By stopping both these things, it may diminish the fullness of the breasts.

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